Visite à Kiev de John Brennan : annoncée par la presse russe, confirmée par BHO. Une sympathique confirmation du flux changeant de la communication.
[translated from French]
Since Sunday and an announcement of the news agency Interfax, it was a visit this weekend of 12-13 April, under a false name, the Director of the CIA John Brennan in Kiev. Shortly after the intervention of Interfax had quoted a Ukrainian parliamentary source, Novosti served the same 13 April 2014, with statements of a member of the Ukrainian Communist Party, sitting in the Rada in Kiev.
«The members of the Rada supreme talk about the visit to Kiev from the Director of the CIA John Brennan as of a fait accompli, said RIA Novosti Sunday Ukrainian Communist MP Vladimir Goloub. "My colleagues at the Rada supreme speak as of a fait accompli." This does not at all surprise since it is quite obvious that when M.Valentin Nalivaitchenko was once the head of the Ukrainian Security (SBU), the latter Service was essentially a subsidiary of the CIA. Currently, one speaks openly to the Rada and I am not inclined to think that it is wrong".»
A ce moment, la chose n ' était guère exploitée par la presse-Système du bloc BAO, notamment à Washington, – c'est-à-dire qu'aucun des grands médias si prompts à donner des leçons de professionnalisme n'en imprimait un mot. Tyler Durden, de ZeroHedge, répercutait la nouvelle le même 13 avril 2014 (avec décalage horaire) en posant la question «Did CIA Director Brennan Visit Kiev Recently?» Un jour plus retard, le 14 avril 2014, Durden pouvait se répondre à lui-même officiellement et positivement, en observant (le souligné en gras est de lui):
«Late last night we asked if, as the Russian media had reported and only the Russian media, CIA director John Brennan had secretly visited Kiev over the weekend: "Brennan landed in Ukraine on Saturday under an assumed name and held a series of secret meetings with the countries ' power bloc '" Interfax reported, citing an unidentified official in the Ukrainian parliament. The person who said this to Interfax in a phone talk added that John Brennan came to Ukraine not under his real name . According to some yet unconfirmed information, the decision to suppress protesters in Slavyansk, a city in Ukraine's east, with force was advised to Ukraine's authorities by Brennan. »
. . . We write that Durden could "to answer to himself officially" because meanwhile (yesterday) the White House confirmed this move under a false name, and probably a fake nose, the CIA Director massif come visit his local branch of the Ukrainian SBU. Durden therefore CITES Reuters, which informs us of the officiality of the thing. The verbatim by the spokesperson of the president Obama is worth to be cited specifically, up to comparison with the regular meetings between leaders of the CIA and the FSB, up to the qualification of "absurd" the suggestion that one such meeting (Brennan-SBU) could have been made in a different spirit than a routine cooperation about the air of time . . .
«"We don't normally how on the CIA director's travel purpose given the extraordinary circumstances in this case and the false claims being leveled by the Russians at the CIA we can confirm that the director was in Kiev as part of a trip to Europe," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters. [ . . . ] "Senior level visits of intelligence officials are a standard means of fostering mutually beneficial security cooperation including U.S. – Russian intelligence collaboration going back to the beginnings of the post-Cold War era," Carney said. "U.S. and Russian intelligence officials have met over the years." "To imply that U.S. officials meeting with their counterparts is anything other than in the same spirit is absurd," he said.»
Le mot ("absurde") a également arrêté Durden, qui développe trois paragraphes sur l'esprit de la chose. Là aussi, cela vaut citation . . .
«You know what is absurd? Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Or YouTube clips "proving" an Assad chemical weapons attack . . . which was organized and executed by NATO member Turkey with the blessing of rht US. Or the same CIA director showing up in a Kiev hotel under a fake name. Or for Interfax to have more credibility than US media outlets.
»You know what isn't absurd? Speculation that just like the CIA organized the overthrow of the Yanukovich regime, which has been confirmed courtesy of the Russian secret services leaking Victoria Nuland's very inconveient recording, so the recent escalation in east Ukraine is indeed the work of the CIA.
»You know what won't be absurd? If and when the Russians release another recording, this time of Brennan, proving that all the latest "Russian" propaganda is once again in fact, fact.»
. . . And of this furious tirade, we will retain this observation of Durden: "gold for Interfax to have more credibility than U.S. media outlets.. (Previously, Durden had repeated what he was already highlighted by its emphasis in bold: "Brennan's meeting was completely unmentioned by the US press.") These remarks highlight a fundamental trend which begins to be felt, and that the White House and the direction of the US national security community have recognised de facto by confirming the relaxing weekend in Kiev of John Brennan, camouflaged in "John Doe" (or "John Smith – Smith" If you want to evoke the incomparable reference showing that the CIA is well worth the NSA). This "fundamental trend", it is actually credit growing press Russian and, generally, anti-skid system, which is highlighted in a glowing manner on the occasion of the Ukrainian crisis.
This highlighting is, admittedly, decisively aided by theextraordinary collapse of credit in the press-system, which completes its work of undermining itself largely initiated on the occasion of the Libyan and Syrian crises. In the Ukrainian crisis, the press-system works in a sort of autopilot with eyes closed, in mode virtualiste, at the heart of its narrative protected by a thick bubble autism and auto-desinformation. The case is even more glaring, through absolutely remarkable interference. There are daily reports of one or another Envoy in Ukraine of one or other of these organs of the press-system describing the truth of the situation in Ukraine, while the 'line' -narrative log that says the opposite, particularly through the "automatic" comments or editorials, continues to be followed without deviating an inch. Thus coexist with elegant contradictions in the same columns . . .
(We call "automatic" comments when a columnist discusses a general problem linked more or less directly to the crisis, citing his reasoning and as self-evident without need for appendices 'facts' demonstration, i.e. along the lines of the narrative . . . For example, we refer to the "facts of the day" the idea as the Russians amass troops at the Ukrainian border, that of CNN or the BBC journalists have sought in vain on the border; the idea that the revolts of part Russian-speaking of the Ukraine are not only organized but more often carried out by Russians and Russian agents, if Russian soldiers dressed in miners of Donbass or venerable housewives as seen on various videos available. In all these cases, stories published in the press-system highlight these facts which restore the truth of the situation, but it in is ignored in these 'automatic comments', or in editorials, as if reporting in reporting had been published in another media or in the Russian press, if one wants more precisely.)
Of course, and to show themselves equal to itself, that is deflected by itself, a pressure which obviously does not meet guidelines, but depends on an external force and that we would regard as human and unorganized acting on psychologies, the press-system has had as first reflex to give the least possible echo the statements made by the spokesman of the White House. (See for example USA Today on April 14, 2014, or Huffington Post this same April 14, 2014, incorporating or inspired by short, terse texts AP and Reuters which transcribe the statements of spokesman. One exception is the case of the Chairman of the Committee on intelligence of the House of representatives, Mike Rogers, known for his complete stupidity, which argues in, on April 14, 2014, on intelligence and now official Brennan travel extreme skill . . . )
They say: this reaction to the least possible statements by the White House helps conceal the fact from the Ukrainian weekend of the thick John Brennan, and the machine would work well. Certainly not, and the machine to confirm that it works in the "absurd" its labyrinthine contradictions between narrative various and truths of situation. On the contrary, the statement by the White House is made to have some echo, i.e. to deny interpretation in general Brennan moving, with repercussions at the level of the anti-skid system of articles of Russian origin. This requires that the statement be reflected and explained, including this explanation so obvious that Brennan was in Kiev one visit "routine" as when the CIA Director meets other foreign SR heads, and that the interpretation of a Brennan process of plotting and ordering the repression against the Russian-speaking provinces is "absurd". "This reaction of the press-system react least possible with the statements of the White House" is nothing less than his confinement in the maze of contradictions necessitated by his narrative, if not denial, quasi-pathologique, lesser reality that contradict or would appear to contradict this narrative.
However, the reaction of the White House, she tells us much about the power of new influence of the Russian press and anti-dust system. This new power is measure of the collapse of the credit of the press system that could appear on the term as one of the major facts in the system of communication, on the occasion of the Ukrainian crisis. The new situation developing in the system of communication explains the reaction of the White House, placed in front of a first leak on the visit of Brennan, who feared and in fear obviously other more beautiful dimension and more radiance (the 'You know what won't be abusrd? ") ("If and when the Russians release another recording, this time of Brennan, proving that all the latest"Russian"propaganda is once again in fact, fact" Durden), – in addition to insistent and questions annoying to a Lavrov (see this April 14, 2014). We can easily make the assumption, in the light of the current operation of d.c system, where each plays "personally", that the White House was not necessarily informed of the displacement of Brennan and has learned it like you and me, by Interfax and other Russian media. Asked about the new, the CIA reacted Sunday evening according to the usual "no comment" on these issues of high national security. Obama, it resonates only in terms of communication, and the reaction of his spokesman that stands out from the line of communication from the CIA, shows that, despite incredible locks autour of the narrative of the block BAO, at official level and at the level of the press-system, the system is now the Russian press (and the anti-skid system in this case press) as a force in the system of communication. So is it shown that the weekend of Ukrainian relaxation of Brennan, who has not led to the blitzkrieg anti-Russian in Kiev that was announced, has at least served to something.
April 15, 2014